Welcome to the website for the Supreme Court Oral Arguments Podcast


Hey everyone, I am a law student and amateur software engineer. I wrote this podcast's data scraper and XML feed from scratch in python. All errors are my own. I had no intention of making a website for this podcast but some of the podcasting platforms demand it.

This podcast costs me zero dollars per month to host. If you would like to support me in spite of that information, here are some methods by which you can do so: Support the creator

While you're here, here are some of my favorite quotes:

"Ideas are toys -- life's a sandbox" -Steve Sorkin
"You don't have to make a whole thing of it" -Phil Williams
"No cat, and no cradle" -Kurt Vonnegut
"Someday, everything's gonna be different: when I paint my masterpiece" -Bob Dylan

May all beings be well and happy!